Sunday, December 25, 2011

Busy busy times

This past month has been unexceptionally heavy duty as far as work was concerned. With something to write everyday, I didn't as much update my Facebook status let alone my blog. By my Assistant Editor was away and the crown of thorns was passed on to me. Those who know...know that handling production of any magazine/ newspaper is far worse than the actual writing and this amazing month I had to do both and it was really took a lot from me. Looking back at this entire 26 days, I see nothing but writing and though I don't regret it, it do not make be glad either. Anyways, watched the absolutely fantastic Ruhaniyat this year...the Sufi festival and was enormously happy at the huge turnout...small crowds at great festivals always made me sad but this time it was encouraging.

The crazy work schedule apart, I managed to catch a lot of good, theater et al. The Ash Chandler show was a highlight, he managed to scandalize the proper society ladies of Hyderabad, who turn up everywhere. His adult humor was galling and hilarious to say the least. The open bar was where some others were interested in..the guy sitting in front had 11 pegs of whiskey and still stood straight. The only complaint was that I'm not reading at all these days, bough two books for a steal at the Book Fair but miss that reading day in and day out.

The year ends and it's time for all the silly recaps and redundant round ups....also loved the one line reviews of Don doing the's not Don2, it's Yawn 2.