Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yes, its been long

And this time I wont search for excuses. I didnt write because I had nothing to write home about. No clever conversations, no witty prose or even mundane I let myself be and decided I would'nt feel guilty and I didnt. So what was I upto in the month gone by

- Been busy busy with work. My Editor is caught up in some personal stuff so basically doing double my share of work. Cribbing constantly about it but loving it because I can do it.

- Was caught up in personal agonies of my own, but have come out of it scratched but smarter with the one line that gave me immense courage " If I dont fight for my happiness, who will " borrowed shamelessly from Ayn Rand.

- Had some immensely unpleasant encounters, first with Jagjit Singh (whose work and voice I admired greatly) who was like the rudest person I've ever met. Ram Gopal Varma was another pain but I retaliated big time and he was forced to keep quiet for one. (My photographer and myself were equally amazed and appalled at my rudeness, but he took it too far)

- And basically doing everything I was supposed to- reading, meeting friends, eating (If you want to eat something sweet, please try Hyderabad baking Co at the Marriott, amazing grub) and watching movies (how scary was Black Swan??)

But it sure does make me feel happy that I'm back at my space...I'm sure Pt must be grinning!


Pesto Sauce said...

Jagjit Singh rude?? Sounds unbelievable though it can happen

Hows RGV?

Meera Sundararajan said...

Hi this is the first time I have visited your blog. Actually you seem to have had a very eventful time. I can just imagine about celebrities. We are so taken in by their public persona that it comes as a shock when we meet them and find them not quite so nice..! Good that you were rude to Ram Gopal Varma - cant stand that guy!!! (BTW you obviously have a very interesting job)

me said...

Rude, you?