Monday, October 11, 2010

Home alone

I’ve never stayed really alone, barring one month in Chennai (which was more traumatic and less therapeutic) and am technically not alone even now but there is a feeling in the past two months that is hard to forget. With my mom and life line exploring foreign shores and me off to fend for myself for the first time, it’s an allegory of first time experiences and a few nasty shocks. A new wave of something which smells like independence not overtly so but coveted enough for me to take in the change and make something out of it. Never having to make as much as tea myself, this new found status, has enabled me to both experiment and appreciate the things so oft taken for granted. Badly turned out meals and maid troubles though leaving me handicapped have had their own effect of making me wonder at the importance of invisible things. I know its coming a decade too late, but hey it’s finally here!

Interviewed Priyanka Chopra and she looks amazingly good plus talks well but the best thing about her was those luscious lips! Couldn’t even get near Ranbir Kapoor with screaming girls giving those bouncers hard time. On the other hand, two great things happened yesterday
- Watched Eat Pray love and really enjoyed it especially the Italian bit, the Indian part was overdone with everything from Elephants and arranged marriages thrown in but Julia Roberts still looks great and it was a fun watch.
- An amazing jugalbandi of Rahul Sharma and Richard Clayderman kept me and Pt spellbound for almost three hours. The enchanting quality of music and the sheer brilliance of it all was worth the distance I had to drive.


Alpha Za said...

haha, you're learning to be self-sufficient. Well, sufficient-ish.

Better late than never.

Don't burn the home down, apparently it's frowned upon.

Pesto Sauce said...

Watched Piggy Chops from nearby!! Amazing though at times she comes across as just another Punju girl

Staying away from home can be tough but only when house chores are involved. I am not sure what I will eat for dinner tonight

Rats said...

Soooo sweet you have become a housewife :D...
You found Priyanka Chopra's lips luscious? It is easy to find your bride!

Anonymous said...

The Moon
on a cat




There's much in the world that you can't explain.
It's revealed for you to remember
by the whispering voice of a distant train
or a midnight rain in november.

Horizon within! You can always find
the keys to Enigma. Let's mention
one basic Truth: of spirited Mind
Is Nature naught but extension.

Internal expanses! In dreams, ridden
by fear and longing you roam
that deep Southeast in your soul hidden
...on your random journey back home.


As a native Swede, I am particularly proud of my love poetry suite Sonnets for Katie.

My Poems

My wallpaper art Babes!

Sexuality introduces Death to Being; and indeed Life simultaneously. This is the profound Myth of the Eden. The work of the Serpent. Bringing us out of "blessed" Standstill. So, in contrast to the mindless pietism of vulgar Christianity, my personal "Christo-Satanism" should be given serious thought by the Enlightened Few, the Pneumatics, the 1% Outlaws. The Light Bringer must be rehabilitated, beacause if not, the All of it simply doesn't make sense: true Catholicism is necessarily Meta Catholicism.

My philosophy

Arthur Rimbaud, Max Jacob, Saint-John Perse, René Char, Henri Michaux, Roger Kowalski, Peter Ingestad...


Un orage nocturne illmuna maintenant l'Amazonie, franchis les Andes, envoya des jeux de cartes gigantesques et frappantes en bas à la Pampa –

Puis: petit déjeuner à melon; café fumant!

À la bague du cigare tu lis, étonné: GÉOGRAPHIE.

My prosepoetry in French:


Et je traduise la poésie française en suédois:


Schwarzes Birne!
Aufforderung zur Erotik.

My poetry in German:

Fremde Gedichte

Casualidad sopla la sangre
de alguno señor desconocido
durante los pocos restantes
momentos del resplandor de faroles

que se vislumbran tras el follaje
flameando de las obsesiónes
igual efimero como gotas
del cinzano de la soledad –

En aquel tiempo me levanta
dentro uno incidente avejentado
que en seguida palidece
al camouflaje de abstraccion;

chica, nadie conoce que tus grisos
ojos significan aún; con todo
el sueño que hube evacuado
tu escudriñas nuevamente.

Mi poesía aproximadamente española

My classical music blog, for the expert listeners and connaisseurs:


And: reciprocity: for mutual benefit, you will do me a favor promoting your own blog on mine!

The best way to do it is lining up as a Follower, since then your icon will advertise you indefinitely, and I will follow you in return. Let's forge a mighty alliance of synergy and common interest.


- Peter Ingestad, Sweden

me said...

I was about to write something about your coming of age in self sufficiency, something witty (since I don't remember now, it must have been) but with the sheer senselessness of promotion and marketing by the Swedish gentleman dominating my thoughts, I simply cannot!