Monday, October 13, 2008

There is something about Sarah....

One name has been echoing throughout the length and breadth of America in the past few weeks..Sarah Palin,call her by a name of your choice, Governor of Alaska, mother of five, moose hunter, Republican Vice Presidential nominee or an ex- beauty queen, she has captured the imagination of a nation only like a woman can!Ever since John Mc Cain named her as his vice presidential nominee she has been subjected to immense scrutiny which in USA was hitherto reserved only for super celebrities.Married to her high school sweetheart she is on her way to become a grand mother(her teenage daughter's pregnant,a fact she used to press to her advantage again something which is possible only in America!!)Palin, a surprise front runner has added to the presidential race a unique dimension-that of breezing and nonchalant sexuality with a dash of glamour rivaling that of Barack Obama, no wonder that everything about her has been a subject of frenzied discussion,from the fashionable (her glasses which are flying off the shelves) to the rumors (that her lip liner is actually a tattoo) and to the right down nasty(allegations that her last born Trig is actually her grand kid)...she is everywhere!A fact further certified when her debate with the boring Biden of the Democrats attracted 70 million viewers,6 million more than the debate between the Presidential nominees and the highest for a political debate since 1992!!So what makes Palin tick? Her brood of five with a kid suffering from Down's syndrome? A fairytale marriage?(She's related to Princess Diana according to reason is a combination of these factors, people identify with her as a mother having teenage kids and with a family which is not perfect, they relate to the fact that she has a child serving in Iraq, an issue which whips up passion like none other in the USA, the fact that she is considered a rank outsider in the gritty world of Washington politics, the fact that she is pro life and a devout christian makes her an amazing package which will ensure that the spot light will remain on her whatever be the result of this bitterly fought election. A point which many people forget in the chaos of criticism is that she is the vice Presidential candidate not the one standing for the Commander in Chief! She has been criticized rather viciously about her lack of experience and insufficient knowledge of world affairs(She applied for a Passport only a few years back!)...But whatever be her political standing,she has proven to be the ultimate Sidney Sheldon heroine who from being a Governor of an obscure state has World leaders read Asif Ali Zardari unabashedly admiring her looks! Much as i hate the defeat of the Democratic Party,the result is enormously enticing...a mouth watering 2012 contest between Sarah Palin and Hillary Rodham Clinton! what say??

1 comment:

Geraldo Maia said...

It is a great pleasure to visit your nice and interesting blog for the first time.
Best wishes from Brazil: