Friday, September 11, 2009

Reading and Re-reading

all the books I've wanted to for a really long time. The only book I have to read again is "Midnight's children" and lose myself in the senile mysticism of Rushdie.
Reading the brilliant "The Unconsoled" by Ishiguro, gifted by Pt and am floored by it. The gaping voids screaming to be filled and the sartorial, almost decadent reluctance to do so is most fetching. Nothing really pulverises and galvanises me in one stroke like Siddarth Dhanvanth Sanghvi's work. It is poetry in Prose. I feel that I can read his work on and on forever. It fills you with a sense of triumphant tranquility which makes things so clear and caustic that you are simply blinded by conflicting desires. I reviewed his latest book and am thrilled by it. The starkness and nudity of the thoughts expressed make me unequivocally comforted!

Then there is Anita Desai whose vast houses of the lost old Delhi on the banks of Yamuna always have yarns to narrate. The pathos revealed in the simplest way, shorn of adornment and emotion makes you wonder about the sheer absence of fuss. I really really hope to meet her sometime and scream loudly/grin madly like I did when I met Amitav Ghosh who's "The Hungry Tide" has to be read to be believed. Then there is another eternal favorite, Harry potter and his magic which has enthralled me for over a decade. The sheer genuis and clarity of complexes engulfs me in a trance whose spell never ceases to lessen. The I wish there was one more to look forward to!

Another absolute favorite whose books I somehow can never read again is Rohinton Mistry. The elegance of writing and the unhurried flow of things in a sequence which can never be disturbed is an unparallel skill. Of course there is always Agatha Christie and Enid Blyton to fall back on..thank goodness!

Wanted to do this post for nearly 4 months now..done done done!


sayrem said...

somehow, nothng has really, enthralled me for a long long time now.
the hungry tide is on my bookstand. lets see if it changes this.

Pesto Sauce said...

I too want to read works of Mistry...recommend anything?